• David Bowie - Diamond Dogs

  • il 24.04.1974 David "Robert Hayward Stenton Jones" Bowie pubblica il suo ottavo album in studio, il concept<br>Diamond Dogs<br>registrato tra ottobre 1973 e febbraio 1974 negli Olympic Studios di Londra, è vagamente ispirato al racconto "1984" di Orwell.<br>raggiunge il primo posto delle classifiche inglesi e il quinto negli stati uniti, preceduto dal singolo "rebel rebel"<br><br><br>Side one<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Future Legend" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Diamond Dogs" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Sweet Thing" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Candidate" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Sweet Thing (Reprise)" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Rebel Rebel" <br><br>Side two<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Rock 'n' Roll with Me" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We Are the Dead" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "1984" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Big Brother" <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family" <br><br><br><br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; David Bowie - vocals, guitars, saxes, Moog synthesizer, Mellotron, producer, mixing engineer<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Earl Slick - guitar on "Rock 'n' Roll with Me"<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mike Garson - keyboards<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Herbie Flowers - bass guitar<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tony Newman - drums<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Aynsley Dunbar - drums<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Alan Parker - guitar on "1984"<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tony Visconti - strings, mixing engineer<br><br><br>
    david bowie, diamond dogs, 1974
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